Guideline factory visit

General Provisions

All visitors, suppliers and craftsman shall contact their partner using the phone in the entrance hall, or may appear in person directly at the incoming goods department.
Taking photos and films by any electronic means is not permitted unless otherwise agreed.
Please take the lift inside the office building instead of taking the stairs.
It is strictly forbidden to connect any electronic means to the network.
Please apply to your contact partner or call our IT department under no. 128 in exceptional cases.
Please make use of our different waste containers for proper waste disposal.
Please comply with our speed limit of 10 km/h inside our factory premises.
Lanes, access to buildings and emergency exits have to be kept entirely clear.

Behaviour inside workshops

Do not move outside marked areas and do not touch anything unless otherwise agreed with your contact.
Non-employees of the company may not use floor-borne vehicles.
Please contact your partner or call our health and safety officer under no. 162 immediately in case of observations, near accidents, damaged safety equipment or similar incidents.

Thank you for your assistance.